Theme Notebook

My theme of study is: Tranquility and Chaos


I chose this painting by Teesha Moore as it represents chaos.  I think this represents chaos because he ink is splattered all over the place.  Also it looks like hands reaching out to grab the person.  This was painted in 2004.

The painting I choose to represent tranquility is by Thomas Kinkade.  Thomas Kinkade was born on January 9, 1958.  The date that the painting was painted is unidentified.  This painting is called "Almost Heaven".  I chose this painting to represent tranquility because the even though there is lightning the effect is very calming.  There is a waterfall and mountains with  fog around it which makes it look warm and peaceful.

Short Stories:

To show my theme of tranquility and chaos the short story I choose is "The Blokes" by Alan Gibbons. 
To represent chaos I chose: "Soldiers came and burned all the houses and ripped the mosque".  This represents chaos because when you read it you can imagine the soldiers coming and fighting with the people of the village, with blood everywhere.  It doesn't give you a peaceful thought.
To represent tranquility I chose: "'It was your hand broke the village,' he told me, 'But they were moved by the badness in the hearts of others.'"  I chose this to represent tranquility because even though this is talking about a broken village you feel a peace in the statement.  I think the reason is that the boy who is saying this, is saying this with love and forgiveness and that is very tranquil.


Aung San Suu Kyi, a pro-democratic leader, has been finally released from house arrest.  A Nobel Peace Prize winner with a desire of change.  Being released on Saturday, November 13 2010 proved to be chaotic and peaceful.  The BBC news states "On Saturday afternoon, a stand-off developed between armed riot police and several hundred people gathered on the other side of the security barricade blocking the road leading to her lakeside home."  This is proof of chaos as the crowds of over 1000 people anxiously wait for Aung San Suu Kyi to step out of her prison.  With chaos usually comes peace as Aung San Suu Kyi reads her speech stating to her supporters that they shouldn't give up and if they work together their dream of a free country would some day be a reality.  Giving her inspirational and hopeful speech was a sign of tranquil. BBC said "Appearing outside her home in Rangoon, Ms Suu Kyi told thousands of jubilant supporters they had to "'work in unison'" to achieve their goals." 


"The life of man in every part has need of harmony and rhythm." ~ Plato
I think what this quote is saying is that every body's life requires peace.  That even if you are not a strong believer in peace there is always one small part of your life that in which you are peaceful.  I chose this quote because when you first read the quote it seems normal, but as you read it a few more times you think of it differently and understand it better.  Also I agree with the quote because no matter how bad you may seem there is always a bit of tranquility within you.

URL of quote:
"In plain words, Chaos was the law of nature Order was the dream of man." ~ Henry B. Adams
What I think this quote is saying is that chaos is the natural way but order is man made.  It is normal to be chaotic but mankind today hope for a system that makes sense.  The reason I chose this quote is because I believe in it.  I think that all mankind wants is order but it isn't what we will always get.  I also chose this because the meaning of the quote is serious but it is stated in a humorous way.
URL of quote:


Recently the Egyptians have been protesting for Hosni Mubarak, their president, to quit.  Mubarak has been ruling for thirty years and the people of Egypt now want a democratic government. Similar to what is happening in Burma and what was happening in Tunisia.  Mubarak resigned on Friday 2 February, 2011.  During the time that Egypt was protesting there was chaos as they were people throwing stones and shooting.  Approximately 1500 people were injured and 5 died on just the first nine days of their protests.
News Source (first 2:20 minutes):

This video is about the day when Hosni Mubarak resigned.  Even though the streets of Egypt are chaotic at the time, the people of Egypt are very happy and finally feel free again.  This will lead to peace in Egypt since the majority were tired of Mubarak in rule and wanted a democratic government.  This chaos, in a way is peaceful, as the atmosphere is of people celebrating and are hoping for a tranquil and free Egypt.
News Source: