Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dominant Profile L

1. I learn best when I get to move around so that I can process my thoughts, and by looking at the "big picture". Rather than looking at each detail, looking at the end product helps me more. I learn best when I am relaxed because when I am stressed my brain, ears, eyes, hands and feet don't work well. If I am relaxed I can learn faster than most gestalt (right brained) people and I can use both my logic (left brain) and gestalt brain more. In other words the two parts of my brain work better together when relaxed.

2. I need to be seated in an area on the right side of the classroom, where it is quite and I can move without disturbing others. I need to be on the right side of the classroom because I use my right ear and right eye to see. Also, if I were to sit on the left side of the classroom I feel uncomfortable and uneasy. If something is explained to me I need to have examples and metaphors so that I can fully comprehend what I am doing.

3. The stratiges that would help me in learning is to be able to move around so that I can process what I am thinking. Working with my non-dominant body parts will help me engage both sides of brain, like trying to draw with my left hand instead of my right. Also when I am trying to concentrate it is best for me to be in a quite area on my own so that I don't get distracted with the sounds.

4. Something I would like my teachers to know about me is that when I am under stress I move with caution and often feel clumsy. When I am relaxed my movements are spontaneous and I don't think as much about what I am doing. I also tend not to do things in order and rather think about what the end product would.

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