Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's in a name?

The Greek Goddess Rhea!

What is in a name? That question might not make sense to you but if you think about it it is asking the origin and definition of your name. Before you click the exit button on your computer, try and actually find out "what is in your name". Of course this is an optinal activity for you, but for me and the rest of my humanities class this was our assignment. Every teacher I have had in elementry since 3rd grade has asked me that question and all my humanities teachers in middle school have done so to. So this is not new to me but as I dug deeper into the assignment I found out lots of new information! So, how was my name choosen?
Well my mom wanted a simple name which was easy to pronounce and it had to start with the alphabet R since the rest of my family also started with R. My name was chosen like how you would choose a hotel to stay in when you went on vacation. You would look up acceptable hotels on the Internet, ask your friends, and finally find one. You would read the descriptions and find out how it was and if you liked it you made a reservation in that hotel. That was how my name was chosen. My parents looked up names on the Internet for girls, asked their friends and family and finally came up with a name. They looked up what the name meant and loved the meaning. So it was final that that was going to be my name. My name is the Latin version of the Greek name Rheia. My name is Rhea. In Greek Rhea means “earth”, the reason being that there was a Greek Goddess named Rhea and she was the mother of all gods therefore the earth. Rhea is a stream of water; serenely and steadily moving forward. Rhea is the sunshine of her mom's life.
Rhea is an international name and most people know how to pronounce it but once in a while there is always one person who pronounces it wrong. At first I used to get extremely annoyed but now I have grown accustomed to it. I don’t mind how my name is pronounced because at the end of the day my name is still Rhea and nothing can change that.

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